Howdy Everyone! My name is JamieSue.
I'm glad you could stop by my "Lesson" site.

I just recently started to give lessons again. My primary focus is teaching the horse and rider basic dressage to enhance their performance as a team. Hunter/Jumpers, even the Western Horse/Rider, can benefit. I also believe it is important, especially when teaching the younger rider, to have fun while learning. When I do teach younger riders I often "play games" with them, all the while they are implementing that day's lesson focus with a big huge grin and giggle!

"TAG! Your Pony's It!"

You may be wondering why 'Tag! Your Pony's It!' is my page title.
Well, I think it explains a lot........

If your not happy or you can't have fun riding a horse, then you might as well get off and put your horse back in the pasture. I'm sure he'll be much happier there. What I am trying to say is; the way you truely feel inside is the way your going to ride your horse, groom your horse, and overall treat your horse! All too often, even myself, we forget to stop, breathe, and just enjoy the connection we have with our Equine Friends. We can all agree that the connection we have with our Equine Friends is something special, unforgetable, and unique!


Ride On!

Here I am with Nova. I post current updates about Nova with
photos at my other site,
Only A Photo Away.